Selected publications by lab members in reversed chronological order.
- Contrail minimization through altitude diversions: A feasibility study leveraging global dataTransportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2023Journal
- Fast contrail estimation with OpenSky dataIn Proceedings of 10th OpenSky Symposium 2023OpenSky
- Optimizing Global Flight Altitudes for Contrail Reduction: Insights from Open Flight and Weather Balloon DataIn 15th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar 2023ATM Seminar
- Examining Contrail Formation Models with Open Flight and Remote Sensing DataIn Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days, Budapest, Hungary 2022SIDs
- Assessing and Modelling Climate Optimal Flights Using Open Surveillance and Remote Sensing DataIn Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Research in Air Transportation 2022ICRAT